UNO Reverse Card

Uno cards

There are so many variations of the UNO card game in New Zealand, and one legendary card that remains incredible and capable of changing the game despite the variants is the UNO reverse card. Among experienced and avid card game players, this reverse card is highly sought after because it can alter the game trajectory and give a chance to NZ players running out of cards, which is just one of its many uses.

For beginner and expert New Zealanders who are looking to learn more about UNO reverse cards, this is the best article for you. Here, we’ll discuss the functions, the identification, and all the other details about the card.

Functions of the UNO Reverse Card

Basically, when the game of UNO is being played, and the UNO reverse card is displayed, it changes the direction of the game and switches it in the opposite direction. For instance, if the game is being played from the dealer to the left, the reverse card will switch this direction from the dealer to the right. If it is a 2-player game, the UNO reverse card can work as a skip card, causing the other player to lose their turn, so you can play again.

In the super stacking variation of this UNO game, you can use a reverse card on either draw 2 or draw 4 cards, which will send the effect of these cards to the next player. If it’s a 2-player game in this scenario, then the UNO reverse card will send the effect of Draw 2 and Draw 4 back to the player who used it.

How to Identify the Reverse Card

There is no certain way the reverse card looks because different variations have different designs for their cards. However, regardless of the design or variants, a common symbol helps you recognise this card when you see it.

If you look at the top edge of the reverse card, you’ll find two arrows pointing in different directions. This is to symbolise a change in direction and gameplay. These cards come in four colours: blue, green, red, and yellow.


Some Rules Governing the UNO Reverse Card

For New Zealanders who will be on the lookout for the UNO reverse card during their next game, we will highlight the rules governing this card, so you won’t make any mistakes that will cost you during your next gameplay. Here are the important rules of the UNO game.

  • When used, the card will reverse the direction of the gameplay. This is the basic and number one rule of this card
  • After dealing seven cards to each New Zealand player, if the UNO reverse card turns up at the beginning of gameplay, the player to the right now plays first instead of the usual left.
  • You can only use the NZ reverse card if there’s a matching colour card facing down already.

These are some of the basic rules that can give you a head start when it comes to playing the game. Once you understand these, you will be able to wield the card and use it to change the game as you wish.

Uno game cards


Timing is crucial when deploying the Reverse Card. Saving it for critical moments when its impact will be maximised can be a game-changer. For instance, if you notice an opponent accumulating a large number of cards or preparing a powerful move, utilising the Reverse Card at the right moment can disrupt their plans, forcing them to adapt to the new direction of play or suffer the consequences.


However, it is important to exercise caution and consider the overall game dynamics before playing the Reverse Card. Sometimes, using it too early or without strategic foresight can backfire, giving your opponents a chance to counteract your move or retaliate with their own reverse cards. Therefore, analysing the game state, observing your opponent’s actions, and assessing potential outcomes are vital in determining the optimal use of the Reverse Card.

Ultimately, the best use of the Uno Reverse Card is a combination of tactical awareness, timing, and adaptability. Employing it in unexpected and unpredictable ways can disrupt your opponents’ plans, safeguard your position, and increase your chances of achieving victory in the exciting and ever-changing world of Uno.

What is the best use of the Uno Reverse Card?

The Uno Reverse Card is a powerful and versatile tool in the game of Uno, capable of turning the tide and reshaping the course of play. Its best use lies in its ability to create unexpected reversals, thwart opponents’ strategies, and safeguard your own position.

Hold on tight

One strategic approach is to hold onto the Reverse Card until you find yourself in a precarious situation. For example, if you have a limited number of cards and suspect that an opponent is close to winning, playing the Reverse Card can disrupt their progress by changing the direction of play.

Against the flow

Another effective use of the Reverse Card is to manipulate the flow of turns to your advantage. Suppose you are in a favourable position with a strong hand, and the player before you has a limited number of cards. By playing the Reverse Card, you can reverse the turn order, forcing them to draw additional cards and potentially slowing down their progress. This move can give you an opportunity to unleash a series of strategic plays and potentially secure a victory.

Is it possible to put a Reverse on a Draw 4 in Uno?

No, it is not possible to put a Reverse card on a Draw 4 card in Uno. The Reverse card can only be played to reverse the direction of play or as a regular numbered card to match the colour or number of the previously played card. The Draw 4 card, on the other hand, is a special card that forces the next player to draw four cards and skip their turn. These two cards cannot be combined or played together in any official Uno rules.

Is it possible to Reverse Draw 2?

No, it is not possible to reverse the effect of a Draw 2 card in Uno. When a Draw 2 card is played, the next player in turn must draw two cards and skip their turn. The Reverse card, on the other hand, changes the direction of play but does not alter the effect of previously played action cards. Therefore, a Reverse card cannot be used to reverse the Draw 2 card’s penalty or skip the next player’s turn. The Draw 2 card’s effect remains in place, regardless of the Reverse card.

Two Players Rules - Uno Reverse Card

When playing Uno with only two players, the rules for the Reverse card can be adjusted to accommodate the smaller number of players. Here’s how the Reverse card typically works in a two-player game:

  • Direction Change: The Reverse card still serves its primary function of changing the direction of play. If the current direction is clockwise, playing the Reverse card switches it to counterclockwise, and vice versa. This change affects the turn order between the two players.
  • Additional Turn: In a two-player game, when a Reverse card is played, the player who played the card gets an additional turn. This means they can play another card immediately after playing the Reverse card. This provides an advantage to the player who used the Reverse card, as it allows them to maintain control and potentially strategize their next move.
  • No Skipping Turns: Since there are only two players, the Reverse card does not cause the other player to skip their turn. It simply grants an extra turn to the player who played the Reverse card.

These modified rules ensure that the Reverse card still has a meaningful impact in a two-player game, allowing for strategic play and maintaining the dynamic of the game, even with fewer players.

Uno cards

History of Uno Reverse Card

The Reverse card is an integral part of the Uno card game, which was created by Merle Robbins in 1971. Merle Robbins initially devised Uno to entertain his family and friends. Eventually, the game caught the attention of a company called International Games, which later became Mattel. Mattel acquired the rights to Uno and began mass-producing and distributing it on a larger scale.

The Reverse card, along with other special action cards such as Skip, Draw 2, and Wild cards, was present from the early stages of Uno’s development.

Uno’s popularity grew steadily, becoming a worldwide phenomenon in the 1990s. The game has undergone numerous variations, editions, and spin-offs since its inception, but the Reverse card has remained a consistent component throughout these iterations.

The Reverse card’s functionality has contributed to the game’s appeal, offering players opportunities to change the momentum of the game, disrupt opponents’ strategies, or gain an advantage.

What is the Uno Reverse Card Meme?

The Uno Reverse Card meme is a popular internet meme featuring the image of the Uno Reverse Card. It humorously portrays situations where someone’s actions backfire on them, with the card symbolising a reversal of fortune. The meme has gained widespread popularity for its relatability and unexpected twist, making it a versatile and widely shared meme across social media platforms.

Uno Reverse Card alternate rules

  1. Reversal Cascade: Playing a Reverse card triggers a cascade effect, requiring consecutive Reverse cards until a player cannot play one.
  2. Reverse Skip: Playing a Reverse card not only changes the direction but also skips the next player’s turn.
  3. Reverse Draw: Playing a Reverse card forces the next player to draw cards based on the card’s value (e.g., Reverse +4 means the next player draws four cards).
  4. Reverse Stack: When multiple Reverse cards are played consecutively, the number of turns skipped, or cards drawn accumulates.
Playing cards UNO on black Table games.